We need a Game Contest

Posted by DesertFox on May 9, 2006, 8:14 p.m.

We need to make some sort of contest. That's all I can say. Summer break is coming up, and definitely, we need a contest. Else we just sit there aimlessly making games. With a contest, we can sit there, aimfully making games

What sort of contest? I don't know. So post ideas for a contest an lets see if the mods pick it up.

I've got tons of spare time, so I wouldn't mind being a judge *whistle*


Maxcore 18 years ago


Kaz 18 years ago

Well that was easy =P

DesertFox 18 years ago


flashback 18 years ago

And everyone who posted in this blog begging for a contest is disqualified.



<font color="#FFFFFF">Just Kidding</font><=



DesertFox 18 years ago

Boo! Hiss! *deletes all posts, copies and pasted to throwaway account, and smiles, with an innocent look on his face.

Malaika 18 years ago

hehe, yay! Finally a contest I can ENTER because I'm not a staff member.

DSG 18 years ago

id be a judge, but then i wouldnt be in the contest, and that wouldnt b cool lol

Adventus 18 years ago

I like the 'Best AI' idea, but that maybe because i've spent a large portion of the last month screwing with complex AI algorithms.

flashback 18 years ago

Y'know, if you highlight in between all my arrows in my post, it says "just kidding".