Hello again.
Over 2 years. I'm getting more consistent! Site seems pretty dead but why not, posting into the abyss!
Some thoughts: Anyone know what happened with the user grayfox? I THINK they went by on AIM as "sandskrferrets" or "sanskrferrets"? I don't remember. We lost contact and since AIM doesn't exist …Hello!
Still around, still getting nothing done while being always busy. My website still has an incomplete blog submission process cause I keep putting off learning more PHP.
Sick today so I'm calling out from work. But bleh. I feel like the most I'll do is lay in bed and get …Website + I've been here half of my life?!
On a random note - just saw that I've joined a little over 15 years ago, and I JUST turned 30 on the 14th. Kinda wild.
That said, I've finally got my website up: https://wildcardcreations.net/Heavily taking inspiration from old-school web design, things are small and compact. I like it, …Hello! (A return? And programming-related post?)
So yeah. I haven't been around in a while. Lots of ups and downs in the four years (and two months) since I last posted. Posts are just getting less and less frequent, eh?
I have like 13 pages of posts, dating back to 2010, and that was when I …Long Time No See! (stuff and things)
Hello all! Been a while, well over a year since I posted here and so yeah.
Gotta be quick as I'm about to run off to dinner with the family for Easter. That said, for those that celebrate, Happy Easter!First, I suggest someone should get, and host a telegram …The Tower: Wrath of the Demon King (and Update!)
The big part of this blog: http://contest.gamedevfort.com/submission/682#.VcgDdPkzikp
If you can try it out and vote, please do! NOTE: Some users are reporting that chrome is blocking the download - perhaps due to being from dropbox? No idea why - please understand this is a project made from RPG Maker VX …Back, and Website!
So…. here, again. I've been plodding through life. Things have been -mostly- the same. A few changes, though…
First - I've got a Drivers License! I've finally snagged a license, so I just gotta find a car, though no money. And that goes hand in hand with the second thing. …Stuff and Things in the Life of an Anthony
Not even fully sure why I'm writing this. I guess there's some mild therapy in writing about stuff on a site where people who are more or less strangers promptly read this. Dunno. I might delete it soon, might not.
I'm also bored since I passed out at 9PM and …(FIXED!) Belated Christmas Gift - A Font!
Well, a Christmas gift of sorts. Been working on it on and off for a while, and I've finally decided to release it as "SF SemiSerif".

Spriting Help! (MechWars)
Oi vey. I can really use some help here with these sprites. You might recognize them from the screenshots in my last post.
..If you don't know, these are the sprites to an upcoming game that's currently called "MechWars". Currently considering "SteelRift" or "MetalScratch" as another potential name, but I've …