Posted by F1ak3r on May 9, 2008, 1:06 p.m.

F1ak3r and ESA present…

A F1ak3r and ESA production…

Produced by F1ak3r and ESA…

"As Yet Unnamed Space SHMUP"

Yes folks, your day of reckoning has come. Well, actually, it hasn't, but I just had an urge to say that. Forgive me, if you can find it in your hearts. …

[F13] Nebraska Newton Devlog #10

Posted by F1ak3r on April 25, 2008, 12:14 a.m.

Nebraska Newton Devlog #10 - "End"

This is the final Nebraska Newton Devlog, seeing as the game is 98% complete. All I need now is the remaining graphics from ESA. Although I should probably run through the game once or twice, just to make sure all the levels work, and …

[F13] Nebraska Newton Devlog #9

Posted by F1ak3r on April 24, 2008, 1:17 a.m.

Nebraska Newton Devlog #9 - "Finishing"

There seems to be a 64D birthday competition trend going. Or at there was. I can't think of a contest idea and I'm opposed to short blogs (in all my 52 blogs, I've never been tagged, and always frontpaged).

Besides, I need to write …

[F13] Nebraska Newton Devlog #8

Posted by F1ak3r on April 23, 2008, 12:37 a.m.

Nebraska Newton Devlog #8 - "Various"

Time for devlog number eight! To tell the truth, I've run out of things to talk about in these devlogs. But that's actually a good sign, seeing as it means that everything's getting finished, so I don't need to discuss ideas I haven't put …

[F13] Nebraska Newton Devlog #7

Posted by F1ak3r on April 22, 2008, 1:19 a.m.

Nebraska Newton Devlog #7 - "Story"

Today I'll be discussing what little story Nebraska Newton has. YYG said not to make epics, so this game's story is going to consist mainly of humour.


There really isn't going to be much story here. But there will be some other funny …

[F13] Nebraska Newton Devlog #6

Posted by F1ak3r on April 21, 2008, 12:27 a.m.

Nebraska Newton Devlong #6 - "Levels"

Hello and welcome PY and Cpsgames! Also hello and welcome to you other peoples. Today's devlog will be a little different, seeing as I've run out of stuff to make lists of. Here goes…


Levels can make or break a game. This is …

[F13] Nebraska Newton Devlog #5

Posted by F1ak3r on April 19, 2008, 12:56 a.m.

Nebraska Newton Devlog #5 - "Obstacles"

Welcome to number five in this daily devlog series! Today, I'll be talking about a very important part of the game - obstacles.


Obstacles are what lend variety to your enemy shooting sprees. And variety is the spice of life.

Obstacles can also …

[F13]Nebraska Newton Devlog #4

Posted by F1ak3r on April 18, 2008, 12:46 a.m.

Nebraska Newton Devlog #4 - "Abilities"

Greetings and salutations! I'm going to a LAN with friends today, so I won't really have much time to work on Nebraska Newton. That is why today's devlog is about abilities, something I've more-or-less got down.


Every game character needs abilities. With them, …

[F13] Nebraska Newton Devlog #3

Posted by F1ak3r on April 17, 2008, 12:13 a.m.

Nebraska Newton Devlog #3 - "Enemies"

Another day, another devlog. In this one, I'll be talking about the game's enemies, because it's a natural progression from the devlog about weapons.


Enemies. What's the point of guns, if you can't shoot them?

The enemies in Nebraska Newton will mostly be …

[F13] Nebraska Newton Devlog #2

Posted by F1ak3r on April 16, 2008, 1:31 a.m.

Nebraska Newton Devlog #2 - "Weapons"

Hello and welcome to the second in this series of daily devlogs. Today I'll be discussing the various weapons in the game.


Weapons. They're a part of a lot of games. Including this one. Because you'll need weapons to deal with the nasty …